Cold Shiver

If the stars are too far
To reach for
Why don’t you go
And get the moon
You said you need a light
To see the stars in my eyes

What do I feel
What do I feel
You’re the cold shiver
Of the cold water
Floating over me
On a warm day
In September

If the sun is too light
For seeing
Why don’t you go
Take me with you
I said I can’t be here
Without you around my eyes

What do I feel
What do I feel
You’re the cold shiver
From a cold window
That will let me look
Through a warm day
In September

If the stars are too bright
To look at
Why don’t you fly
Get the sunshine
And I said I won’t be here
Without you around my eyes

What do we feel
What do we feel
Many shivers in
The heart beating here
Out across the line
Did we feel it
In September

My feet touch the water
All I say
Why don’t we go
And get the moon
What do I feel
What do I feel
You’re like cold shivers
Of a cold wall there
As I’ll touch it
To see you here
In September

© Stella Lumina (Ellen Edens)