You Make Me

An endless cord waving towards the blinding sun
I was making up excuses to linger underneath it
While there’ll never be a reason for it
But your footsteps have made my way
And a voice called near the place I slept
Through nights this wandered through my soul
Your name and your existence,
Your worthiness and your hidden love through the doorway
A light shone through my shudders and I felt something near,
A heart so demanded,
Waving from above the endless cord
If I just break the rules of dimensions and time,
Reality has always found a way to bother me

You make me cry, you make me alive,
You make me dead, you make me scream
You make me mad, you make me dream
You make me smile and laughing towards the dead end
But the endless cord never had an end

As a midnight light shining through the doorway
Calls for the source, nowhere to be found again
Only the memory will never fade
It’s only you and me who will ever feel
Deep in the lonely nights full of hollow words once,
A dream has left me so pure and honest
Your name and your existence,
Your words and your hidden light through the hallway
As if distance was not enough you made it through the walls,
A heart so demanded,
Waving from the endless cord,
If you just break the rules of dimensions and time,
Will you find me through the reality of insane ?

You make me cry, you make me alive,
You make me fly, you make me scream,
You make me confused and bruised,
You make me smile and laughing towards the dead end
But the endless cord never had an end

As soon the dawn is awaken
Another night words have slept through my mind,
White and pure,
Honest and your dreams
Followed by my hands
Because I will hold you
I wake the day and follow the nights,
Between all that they’ve ever found
Is a heart waiting for the right place to pound
And only the memory will never fade
Never fade
You make me,
You make me complete

© Stella Lumina (Ellen Edens)